Helping Children and Families Navigate Life

Placement Packs

Interior Imagery-10

Super Wyatt Placement Packs!

In honor of Wyatt, a foster and adopted child who was always full of love, help spread the joy that he freely gave! Super Wyatt Placement Packs are backpacks filled with age-appropriate essentials for children when they enter foster care.

Wyatt's Family

Wyatt's Story

Wyatt entered foster care when he was very young, having endured very hard things in the first year and a half of his life. Even still, Wyatt was a very happy and fun child who brought joy and smiles to everyone around him. He was placed into the home of Compass foster parents Kathy and Kyle Smidt and their daughter, Ashlyn, of Kearney.

After being in foster care for 3 years, Wyatt was finally adopted on January 5, 2018!

Unfortunately, shortly after his adoption, Wyatt was diagnosed with Stage 4 cancer. Throughout his battle with cancer, Wyatt and his family, friends and nurses adopted the superhero theme to help him fight his battle. 

And Wyatt Was a Super Hero!

He endured endless treatments, pokes and testing like a champ, but more impressively, Wyatt’s joy, smiles, happiness, and cheer continued. He held fast in spreading a positive spirit to the nurses, his family, and his fellow pediatric cancer patients. 

Wyatt Beat Cancer

After a little over a year of treatment, Wyatt’s doctors declared him having no evidence of the disease! A few weeks before his 5th birthday, he celebrated by going to Disney World with his family, a trip they received from Make-a-Wish Foundation. If anyone deserved to go to the Happiest Place on Earth, it was Wyatt and his family! Then Wyatt started school at Zion Lutheran. Life was beginning to feel normal for the family. 

Sick Again

As school started, Wyatt began to feel sick. Shortly after, his doctors discovered that the cancer had returned, stronger than ever. This time, he needed to go to New York for treatment. After several weeks, the cancer was taking over his body. There was nothing that they could do but attempt to make Wyatt comfortable. Wyatt returned to Nebraska on hospice. 

Always Full of Love and Joy!

Despite all of these challenges, Wyatt was always full of love and joy. He loved seeing friends, and he was inviting to everyone who came to see him. Wyatt’s favorite things were bubbles, Paw Patrol and superheroes! 

After two years of battling cancer, Wyatt passed away on March 23, 2020, surrounded by his family at home.