You can bring happiness within reach of a child today
In the complexity of a family life darkened by mental illness, poverty or abuse, you can give hope that is captured in the twinkling eyes of a smiling child. These are the same children who might live in your neighborhood, attend your child or grandchild’s school, or attend programming at your church on Wednesday nights.
Foster care is the mission field next door.
Although hidden, the traumas that affect families every day directly or indirectly impact you, too. When you work to strengthen the most vulnerable children and families in your community, you strengthen the entire community. Compass has been leading the area in caring for children and their families since 2007. We pride ourselves on finding creative solutions and connecting resources. We know that the BEYOND vision is possible, but it’s not without you.

allows one child to attend Kids Night Out which includes food and supervised fun
helps encourage foster families who are exhausted, worn out and overwhelmed
brings a smile to a child when they receive a Placement Bag after entering foster care
provides one hour of parenting training for a struggling parent
gives someone impacted by trauma one hour of therapy
ensures a child’s needs are met through CarePortal
provides one month of Foster Parent Night Out to our foster families
grants a county in Nebraska access to CarePortal for one month


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Placement Packs

If you pour yourself out for the hungry
and satisfy the desire of the afflicted,
then shall your light rise in the darkness
and your gloom be as the noonday.
Isaiah 58:10