With you,
so much more is possible.

Become a Compass+ Monthly Supporter Today!
Compass+ is a group of our most loyal and dedicated givers who champion children in foster care and their families who are struggling in Nebraska. By signing up to be a monthly giver, this is what you are doing:
- Boosting support for foster families.
- Facilitating peace and rest for weary parents.
- Equipping families to provide a healing environment for children with adverse experiences.
- And so much more!
As our most foundational partners, we commit to providing you with the following connection points:
- Annual luncheon with Ryan, our CEO - and others from the Compass team!
- Updates from foster families and staff working directly with children and families.
- Exclusive text group to receive regular prayer updates and powerful stories.
- Opportunities to be involved, grow in your understanding of foster care, and be a champion for children.
We are better with you. Thank you for adding your love + care for children from hard places and the families that care for them.
At that time the disciples came to Jesus, saying, ‘Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?’ And calling to him a child, he put him in the midst of them and said, ‘Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.’Matthew 18:1-3