Helping Children and Families Navigate Life

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Try these Turkey Table Topics this Thanksgiving!

Would your family benefit from creative and positive questions to help jump start conversations? These conversation starters are great for any age and might spark memorable cross-generational moments along the way!
We would love to know what some of your best answers are! Will you share them with us?

Thanksgiving Dinner Table Topics

What sparks unimaginable joy for you?

If you could travel into space, and the trip was guaranteed to be safe, who would you take with you and what would you most want to see?

Tell about a time you tried something new.

If you were going to rewrite the song “These are a few of my favorite things” what would you include in it?

If you had $500 to give to someone, who would you give it to?

If you could spend a day with anyone, dead or alive, real or imaginative, who would you spend it with?

Tell about a blessing you experienced out of a difficult situation.

Name an experience that reminded you that life is good.

What is one thing that’s better now than it was a year ago?

Who has made a positive difference in your life lately?

What is one thing you would like to thank your parents for?

What are you able to offer others that you are thankful for?

If you could witness one event in history, what would it be?

What is something new you want to learn in the next year?


Photo by RODNAE Productions from Pexels

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